Friday, December 16, 2016

Inksketches. Week of December 16th 2016

Ok.  So I started a new series this week.  And work kinda delayed my ability to get this up sooner.

On twitter and instagram I post these sorts of images every day.  If you are looking for some place to follow and get these in your feed, check those out.

Also, if you want to support images like this, the stories on this blog and more, check out my patreon.  It isn't necessary for this stuff, but it'd help with expanding some of my projects a bit.  I also take commissions, so don't be afraid to message me about that.

Twelve Spirits of Xmas

I decided 12 days before Xmas I would do a series.  A dozen spirits for the sake of the holiday.  And because Christmas is subtly super-horror themed (A Christmas Carol, for example, is about an old man being tormented by ghosts) I like playing around with that.  12 spirits of fantastical and horror natures, etc.

Also, these arts are easier if you have a plan going in.

The notion of twelve days of Christmas is about Christmas being day one of twelve, ending with when the three wise men appear in the Christian mythos.  As interesting as that is, the American holiday is secular.  It's so secular, it's hard to take serious the notion of a "war on Christmas."  Xmas is more of this cultural manifestation of the Bene Gessirit litany against fear.

It will flow over you and through you.

As such, these "12 Spirits of Xmas" are less about the Christian mythology and more about the cultural touchstones from other places.  Xmas is a complicate thing.  I can't cover all of it's complex history, but I find it better as a secular holiday.  The notion of a time to be decent to one another, regardless of creed, faith or whatnot, that empotimizes my personal secular humanism.

Being against that idea is just a form of violent thinking that betrays itself.

Enough babbling.  Let's get to last week's arts.  Each comes with a link to dA and more ramblings of my own on them.

Cyberwood character design.  Scale is intended.  

Cyberwood bird.  Heehee.

Another portrait for character designing Cyberwood things.

I posted this one before.  Kinda proud of it, tbh.

The Wild Hunt could be considered a stretch, but it's one of my favorite aspects of Yuletide.  (I didn't intend it, but posting it Wednesday kinda sounds amusing to me).

Poinsettias are neat.  They ALSO are named after an American ambassador.  The spanish, Nochebuena, sounds neater.  And the original natuahl, Cuetlaxochitl, is kewl.

This is more of a made up manifestation.  A nymph of poinsettias?  IDK.  It does look different than its brethen.  Nochebuena are mexican, and that part of the holiday deserves a bit of credit.  Also, they aren't that toxic.

I mean, a mexican plant accused of something it isn't?  Never!

I knew the Krampus would come into one of these.  And while I'm glad I finished it, not my best work.  I could do better.  But I think the colors made it better in the end.

ALSO.  I'm up for any suggestions for more of these Xmas spirits, especially if it is something subtle or not as obvious for me to do.  I'm leaning toward doing Mistletoe and Holly at some point, and have already hit the Norse end of things.  Always up for something that leads to interesting research, amigos.

Happy Holidays!

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